"Poem to show that (JUSTICE IS A LIE) Because Governments, Polices, Politician use the law as a [?] to scheme and pervent the law and hide behind the law the same law you suppose to uphold you are caught breaking the same laws?"
"This is a informative essay/Public Service Announcement/cry for help regard the issues of COVID era Polunsky Unit and how to fix the trapped cooped up in the cell prolem."
"To work in a kitchen in prison is a worst nightmare."
"Note: Ingles is not my first language, so you'll find a bunch of mistakes but I would appreciate is someone could correct my work or just put it out like that."
A letter from Lily Archuleta to Texas After Violence Project and the Inside Books Project Archive. Lily describes her experience contracting Covid-19 in a Texas prison, dealing with isolation during her illness, and lack of of visitation with her…