Inside Books Project installation at the Texas Capitol for #kNOwMORE2017 Event
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Inside Books Project installation at the Texas Capitol for #kNOwMORE2017 Event
Installation of censorship documents and art at the Texas Capitol in Austin, Texas. Installed as part of the Texas Advocates for Justice #kNOwMORE2017 event, a state-wide gathering of individuals whose lived experiences include incarceration, detention/deportation, and mental illness. The kNOw More Advocacy Day featured spirited marching, memorable speeches, the IBP art exhibit, and conversations with Texas legislators. The daylong gathering was planned and led by individuals whose lives have been most affected by Texas jails.
Texas Advocates for Justice (TAJ)
Texas Advocates for Justice (TAJ), Inside Books Project (IBP)
2017 February 1
Texas Advocates for Justice (TAJ), “Inside Books Project installation at the Texas Capitol for #kNOwMORE2017 Event,” Inside Books Project Archive, accessed March 31, 2025,
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