Watercolor Reflections on PTSD
Dublin Core
Watercolor Reflections on PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Autism awareness
Mental health advocacy
Watercolor painting submitted as part of a series of reflections on creative expression, Autism awareness, mental health, coping, and trauma.
Creator description: "Please put all of [my works] on-line. One never knows what single phrase or piece of information will open a door of compassion and/or advocacy. The missing solution to our 'puzzle' is out there! We just got to keep on keeping on until we fine it. I will never stop fighting my wrongful conviction!
I have Autism Spectrum Disorders and I don't like bullies who pick on others. I think getting picked on damaged me on some deep psychological level and ruined my life!"
Creator description: "Please put all of [my works] on-line. One never knows what single phrase or piece of information will open a door of compassion and/or advocacy. The missing solution to our 'puzzle' is out there! We just got to keep on keeping on until we fine it. I will never stop fighting my wrongful conviction!
I have Autism Spectrum Disorders and I don't like bullies who pick on others. I think getting picked on damaged me on some deep psychological level and ruined my life!"
Brian Douglas Fuller
This creator would like to post their contact information online. If you would like to write Brian, search here for the most up to date address: https://inmate.tdcj.texas.gov/InmateSearch/start.action
Using legal name: Brian Fuller
Using legal name: Brian Fuller
Inside Books Project
Inside Books Project Archive
16 August 2019
Public -- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
North America -- United States -- Texas
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Watercolor painting
Physical Dimensions
8.5" by 11"
Brian Douglas Fuller and This creator would like to post their contact information online. If you would like to write Brian, search here for the most up to date address: https://inmate.tdcj.texas.gov/InmateSearch/start.action
Using legal name: Brian Fuller
TDCJ#:2046619, “Watercolor Reflections on PTSD,” Inside Books Project Archive, accessed March 31, 2025, https://ibparchive.texasafterviolence.org/items/show/387.
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